Doctor tells me my positive Western blot bands mean nothing

Misdiagnosed Despite a CDC-Positive Test: My Lyme Disease Story

Since Lyme awareness month is about to end, I thought I would tell a story about what can happen when there’s no Lyme awareness.

In 2009, I hobbled into the office of an Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) doctor who was a famous fibromyalgia and ME specialist. I had severe back pain (8 on a scale of 1-10), joint pain, brain fog, and fatigue. I say “hobble” because I was using a cane. I had mysterious knee arthritis that didn’t show up on an MRI (a classic Lyme symptom, but I didn’t know it). As for the fatigue, I had been hypothyroid for years, but this was a whole new level of tiredness—life-draining, bone-crushing. The doctor ran a bunch of tests, one of which was a Lyme-disease Western blot from Labcorp. Labcorp does not do any specialized work with tick-borne diseases. It’s generic—the McDonald’s of labs.

I remember what she said before she diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and possible ME:

Doctor tells me my positive Western blot bands mean nothing

The “few little positives” were IgM bands 39 and 41, which made the the test positive for IgM (new infection) according to the restrictive CDC guidelines (bands measure antibodies to parts of the Lyme bacteria). This doctor didn’t care. She didn’t even give me the one month of antibiotics IDSA doctors think is enough to cure Lyme. Perhaps she thought it was a false positive because I didn’t have exactly five IgG (past infection) bands. Lyme testing is notoriously inaccurate, and many IDSA doctors use a flawed test that was designed for survey and not diagnostic purposes. The test is also missing two key diagnostic markers that were removed because of a failed Lyme vaccine.

I never questioned her diagnosis because:

1) I trusted her. She was well-respected, had great reviews, and seemed to care, and I was brain-fogged and in agony. If this highly recommended doctor decided to rule something out, that was one less thing to worry about. (I did have the sense to keep the test, and that helped me later.)

2) I was physically unable to do my own Internet research because I have repetitive strain injury (carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, radial tunnel, and tendonitis). At that time, I didn’t really know how to use voice-recognition software on the Internet—I only knew how to use it for word processing. My boyfriend had to help me look things up.

3) I didn’t know anything about Lyme disease, other than you were supposed to have a weird rash that looked like a bullseye. None of the doctors I saw seemed to know anything either. This lack of awareness is a gigantic problem considering that I live in New York, one of the most Lyme-endemic states in the U.S.

4) The fibromyalgia diagnosis made sense because my mother has it. I seemed to have inherited her other unfortunate health genes (she also has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis—thanks, Mom!).

5) The biggie: Many of what I now know are Lyme symptoms could also be explained by other health problems I had, and there was so much symptom overlap I didn’t know what was what.

Lyme attacks where your body is weakest. It magnifies painful conditions, making them more debilitating. In my case, the Lyme both created new conditions and worsened issues I had before.

Between 2009 and 2012, I was hit with a medical shitstorm.

1) My Spine — In 2009, an MRI showed three herniated disks. Because of some really bad medical advice, I thought the answer was back surgery. I must have visited at least eight back surgeons, and I couldn’t figure out why all but one were hemming and hawing about doing surgery.

Later, my neurologist told me that the herniations were small, and he couldn’t figure out why they were causing so much pain.

I saw a post on a spine forum in which a guy wrote that he had planned to go to Germany for a new, high-tech surgical procedure, but then found out he had Lyme disease. When he started treatment, his pain level decreased so much that he was able to cancel the surgery. Unfortunately, the post had an arrogant, off-putting tone, so I ignored it. Everyone else did too—they continued posting about failed surgeries and doctors as if he hadn’t even been there.

The back doctors shipped me off to various pain-management specialists. One of them gave me an epidural steroid injection, which made everything ten times worse. I went from having bad pain to being mostly bedbound and barely able to walk a block. I fired my then-physical therapist because she screamed at me for “not trying.” No one, especially the doctor who had administered the epidural steroid injection, could figure out what had gone wrong. She suggested doing another injection in a different area of my back, but there was no way I was going to go through that again. Finally she suggested I see a psychiatrist, which is what many doctors do with chronic pain patients when they can’t be bothered to figure out what’s really going on.

I later found out that steroids, even injected steroids, can worsen Lyme symptoms because they suppress the immune system. Suddenly the whole ordeal made sense.

Another inexplicable symptom was hypersensitivity to vibrations. Even very slight vibrations, such as those from riding in an elevator, sent shocks zinging up my spine. If I was sitting on the sofa and my boyfriend walked across the wooden floor, I felt it. I stopped being able to take the subway, which in New York City meant it was almost impossible to get anywhere. I had to take taxis and use a ridiculous, giant cushion because I could feel every bump in the road. I eventually started paying someone to give me rides to the doctor so I could leave the stupid cushion in the car.

The only explanation I got for this disabling problem was:

Doctor tells me "You probably have some inflammation there"

Errr … inflammation … no, REALLY?

Later, I read that Lyme can cause weird neurological symptoms.

2) My Arm — Speaking of weird neurological symptoms, in 2010 my right arm went numb from fingertips to elbow. I thought it was the RSI, but my hand doctor had never seen anything like it. Acupuncture cleared a bit of the numbness, but I still couldn’t feel my thumb.

I ended up getting carpal and cubital tunnel surgery, which helped, but didn’t resolve the problem.

Later, I read that peripheral neuropathy is a Lyme symptom. (But it’s also a fibromyalgia symptom, an RSI symptom, a hypothyroidism symptom, and a symptom of bulging disks in the neck.)

3) Pelvic Pain — In 2010, I started to have severe pelvic pain, and I noticed that my overall pain got worse before and during my period (two more Lyme symptoms). Still, I had a history of endometriosis, so I was used to this.

Person suffering with endometriosis symptoms during period

But the new pain was much worse than before, and it felt like the endometriosis had progressed, maybe even to Stage IV. I ended up having endometriosis surgery—my fourth (the meds never worked for me). Afterwards, my doctor told me he hadn’t noticed many new adhesions and growths, and he was stumped as to why my pain had become so much more horrible.

4) Mono (Epstein-Barr virus) — Also in 2010, I developed mononucleosis! (Are you sensing that 2010 was just not my year?) But I had never gotten mono at the normal time—like in college. Still, my Epstein-Barr virus “new-infection-or-reactivation” titers were off the charts. It took two-and-a-half years for the those antibodies to go down.

In chronic Lyme, previously dormant viral infections can be activated because the immune system is suppressed.

5) Worsening Joint Pain — Between 2009 and 2012, I must have seen half the rheumatologists in New York City. All of them thought I had something in addition to fibromyalgia, but none of them knew what. I was tested so many times for lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren’s syndrome it was almost a joke. No one suggested Lyme, although joint pain is a well-known Lyme symptom. One endocrinologist even tested me for acromegaly, or adult-onset gigantism, which can cause a lot of joint pain. (OK, I’m not a giant, but I had an abnormally high level of a hormone called Insulin Growth Factor 1, and in acromegaly you see the abnormal levels of the hormone before the person starts, err, growing.) I was negative, and later it turned out that my IGF-1 level became normal when I cut out all dairy. (Something to think about.)

Anyway, after testing me for all sorts of rare diseases, the last rheumatologist told me this:

Doctor tells me I might have a unique autoimmune disease

Oh great, I thought, I’m sure there will be tons of medical research devoted to—what to call it—”Just-for-Me Autoimmune Disease”?

6) Brain Fog — Brain fog is a Hashimoto’s thyroiditis symptom, a fibro symptom, AND a Lyme symptom. I am REALLY foggy.

7) Skin Diseases, Allergies, and Chemical Sensitivities — Also in 2010 (!), I developed rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, and chronic urticaria (hives). I had itching, burning, rashes, and a bright red, swollen face. I tested allergic to several chemicals and two metals. I had even more strange neurological symptoms, such as a feeling of ants crawling on one side of my face.

Because of the allergies, I had to change all my skincare and haircare products, stop wearing makeup, wear only cotton, and analyze the ingredients of every product that came near me. I went from “but you don’t look sick” to “holy shit, what happened to your face” in two months. I also developed food allergies, including cow’s milk, bananas, soy, and avocados. And I started to become sensitive to weird things like newspapers.

Sometime in 2011, I joined a telephone support group for people with various chronic illnesses. I met a lot of people in the group with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). I realized I was developing something that was similar to what they had, because suddenly I couldn’t tolerate newsprint, perfume and other scented products, and old books. But I didn’t remember an initial chemical poisoning as they did (one friend worked in an office where she was exposed to renovation chemicals, another was poisoned by carbon monoxide from antiquated gas heaters, and yet another by pesticide exposure). And I didn’t have the same kind of aftereffects as my friends in the group. Certain smells were intolerable, but I didn’t get sicker later.

Yup. New chemical sensitivities and allergies are another Lyme symptom! Oh, wait, they’re also a fibro and ME symptom! And skin problems can be caused by thyroid disease! But wait, maybe I was developing MCS?

I did meet one woman in the support group who had Lyme disease, and she thought I might have it. I disagreed. She used a wheelchair and had to have IV antibiotics twice a day, and that frightened me. I didn’t yet know that Lyme manifests differently in everyone. (And now she’s out of the wheelchair, finished with the IVs, and I’m just starting my Lyme treatment.)

Later on, another friend from the support group got Lyme disease. Once she started doing the typical new-patient-Internet-research blitz, she told me that she really, REALLY thought I had it. By this time it was early 2013, and I was seeing an integrative doctor and had made a lot of progress. This doctor had changed my diet, convincing me to remove sugar, gluten, all dairy including goat milk, and soy. I was eating very low-carb. She had me take a ton of supplements like Co-Q10, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. She found me a holistic physical therapy center, and I had started seeing an osteopath, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. I was also drinking a lot of green tea, which is not great for the thyroid (too much fluoride) but is good for Lyme. In effect, I was doing a lot of things that helped Lyme symptoms without realizing it: changing my diet, doing light exercise, drinking green tea, adding supplements, getting acupuncture, and using non-toxic, fragrance-free cleaning and personal-care products. I was doing so much for my health already that I didn’t want to think about anything new.

Still, my friend kept bugging me. Finally she got me to ask the integrative doctor for a Lyme test. It came back negative (sometimes tests are negative as the disease progresses, because the immune system is no longer able to make antibodies). But I had a very low CD 57 count. The CD 57 is a subset of the “natural killer cells” of the immune system, and Lyme suppresses its activity. A low CD-57 count is only associated with Lyme.

For some reason, the integrative physician disregarded the low CD 57. She told me that I was not “the Lyme type.” (Do ticks have a type?). Now, this doctor was not unenlightened—she had written a book about vitamins and minerals, and she regularly gave glutathione IVs. Yet even she wasn’t Lyme-literate.

My friend finally said, “Didn’t you have some sort of weird Lyme test that was iffy?” I didn’t remember telling her that. Still, I dug out the test. I had forgotten that it was positive for a new infection … when I had gotten it, I didn’t really understand what that meant. I hadn’t looked—just taken the doctor’s word and filed the test away.

I marched in to the integrative doctor, who looked very surprised, and she recommended an LLMD. When he ran the IGeneX test (one of the few relatively decent tests out there), I was positive for the same bands as in 2009, plus I now had several brand new “indeterminate” bands. (Indeterminate did not mean “negative,” as I thought. The lab report said it meant “may be of clinical significance,” and recommended retesting at a later date.)

After a few months of antibiotics, the weird sensitivity to vibrations was much better, and I was able to ride the subway again. My inflammation markers on blood tests improved too. I use a small pillow on the train, but it’s inflatable and very light. You can’t imagine how happy I was the first day I walked into a subway station. Then I remembered what the subway is actually like.

The subway is filthy and has giant rats

At least it’s cheaper than taxis.

But I have “graduated” from physical therapy (PT) to once-weekly “rehab Pilates,” which, OK, is not a super-strenuous workout, but is a bit more challenging than straight-up PT. I also have a home exercise program that targets my weakest areas. (Of course, my back decided to go out while I was writing this post, but nowadays my pain flares are nothing like what they were, and acupuncture and massage help a lot.)

If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or ME and have gotten the standard “we have no idea what caused this” from doctors, the best way to rule out Lyme as a possible cause is to see an LLMD (Lyme-literate medical doctor), LLNP (Lyme-literate nurse practitioner), or a Lyme-literate naturopath. (Also, check out me this helpful article.) The Lyme tests given by most doctors are not sensitive enough and miss a lot of cases. Some other tests, including the IGeneX Test and the blood cultures from Advanced Laboratories, are better. If you’re on disability, Medicare will pay for the IGeneX test, which is otherwise prohibitively expensive.

The other potential name for this blog was “Another Day, Another Doctor” because that’s what I have been doing since 2009. Bouncing from doctor to doctor, trying to figure out what was wrong, feeling wretched, angry, and exhausted.

I’m wouldn’t say I’m exactly cheerful now, but at least I have some more clarity.

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Hi! I'm Vicki. My blog is called "Miss Diagnoses" because I have too many diagnoses and because my Lyme disease was misdiagnosed for many years. In addition to being a professional patient, I'm a compulsive reader and doodler. Sadly, my writing and drawing are limited by repetitive strain injury and neuropathy. I use assistive technology, but I can't post as often as I'd like. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and I have two short cartoon videos on YouTube. Twitter and Instagram: @miss_diagnoses Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube: @MissDiagnoses

21 thoughts on “Misdiagnosed Despite a CDC-Positive Test: My Lyme Disease Story

  1. I am so sorry you have had to go through so much suffering 😦

    With some people and doctors knowing so much about Lyme Disease, MCS, CFS/ME etc, it makes me wonder what kind of corruption is holding back awareness and the education of ALL medical practitioners, and instead pushes the “controversy” side of things. So much suffering could be prevented…

    I am so glad that you finally have more answers and options, and that your body has become easier to live in again ❤ I hope and pray that you find what you need for complete healing!

    And thank you for writing about it so that more of us can become aware and hopefully share when we see someone else suffering.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! I so want healing for you also!
      I was just watching the movie “The Normal Heart” (based on Larry Kramer’s play about the early days of AIDS) and there was this one line: “It’s a plague, an epidemic … and the government doesn’t care.”
      Something about that line seemed familiar … 🙂
      Actually, there were so many lines in that movie that could have applied to Lyme, MCS, etc. I started to tear up a few times.
      I learned there were some financial conflicts of interest with the people who wrote the IDSA guidelines, but I don’t remember the specifics. I think they excluded two important bands from the tests because they were trying to make a Lyme vaccine (which failed and ended up giving people Lyme). I have to check that though … foggy brain.
      I agree, the things we have should NOT be controversial. Chemicals make people sick. Ticks make people sick.
      I wonder about the corruption also.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! ❤
        Someone else mentioned the similarity with the early days of AIDS tonight…
        Somehow the AIDS community managed to rally from awareness to action much quicker than some of the rest of us have been able to…
        I recently heard that a threat to infect certain people with AIDS may have had a little bit to do with that, but that may have been fictional, and it's not as if we could go around deliberately infecting people with Lyme Disease and MCS/ES isn't contagious, although there seems to be some genetic or epigenetic connections…
        Then there's the fact that too many health conditions only become "legitimate" when there's a pharmaceutical invented to treat some of the symptoms (without causing too many others), but until that happens, the condition doesn't exist except as a psychiatric disorder because doctors have too much ego and not enough courage to dig deeper :/
        So, we often have to learn how to enjoy being called crazy while suffering unimaginable circumstances most people wouldn't wish on their worst enemy…
        Good thing for the internet and the people who work to get the word out…
        And much appreciation also to the few courageous doctors who are willing to do the right thing for the right reasons, which include doing no harm while searching out solutions and advocating for prevention… despite the abuse they too often suffer as a result!
        I'm still having a hard time seeing where the light is, and it's getting very crowded under the bus…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hilarious and heartbreaking! I love this, little miss diagnoses! So glad I found you! This is exactly the kind of blog I need to go to to find Lyme information that is interesting yet funny and sarcastic, something that will actually keep my attention. Of course it helps that I can relate to what you chronicle 🙂 I plan to visit here often!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean about certain medical conditions becoming “legitimate” when a pharmaceutical company invents a medication … I remember right after Lyrica came out, there were suddenly ads about fibromyalgia everywhere! Ugh.
      I know what you mean about the AIDS activism … there was ACT UP, there was GMHC, and there were all the other organizations. There was already a history of community organization and protest within the gay community, and the people who weren’t sick protested on the behalf the ones who were. Because they all realized it could happen to them too.
      I think that’s part of it. People think MCS and Lyme can’t happen to them. Boy, are they wrong!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Thank you! Just had a look at your blog and I love it! I am following you now! I really enjoy your writing style. I have gluten issues as well, and the same issues with attention span (I have none). I don’t write about Lyme all the time … sometimes I write about the other problems in the thought bubble at the top (especially the thyroid and allergy stuff). Trying to get a handle on all of this with brain fog is… challenging. :-/


  3. I’m so glad you finally wrote this and shared. I hope it is a slight weight of your shoulder in a way. You’ve been so strong and brave so far, keep it up! Unfortunately your story is all too familiar but I’m glad you FINALLY got the correct diagnosis.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I still don’t get why doctors refuse to diagnose this, as it is really so common. Ugh … well, it isn’t the first epidemic in history to be ignored until it’s too late. I have so much more reading and research to do to understand all this, and I am so brain-fogged! :-/


  4. Nicely written. It makes me want to slap the medical establishment, or at least this doc and others who are inadequate, poorly trained, or just plain bad. But moving on, there are huge problems to be solved, and I wonder if all the wheels are in motion, that need to be in motion.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I wonder about that too! Hopefully the IDSA will change its treatment guidelines. I heard that IDSA representatives said “we’re listening” when confronted by Lyme protesters at the recent Mayday protests, while at previous protests they refused to engage with the protesters at all. I don’t know whether that means they’re actually going to listen.


  6. Loved your story. Very humorous which I can truly relate to you for I am now using humor when I talk about my own experiences. 10 years ago I woke up and felt like crap. Doctors had no idea. I suggested Fibromyalgia and they were like “Yeah, that’s what you have”. Useless people. I changed to a new doctor about 5 years ago. Very nice lady who, from the start, was convinced I had lyme disease. She gave me 2 test both came back negative for lyme disease but some small thing showed I had gotten bitten. She tried everything to rule out fibro for she was not convinced it was that. Last month she sent me to a new doctor who specializes in Lyme. Two weeks ago I got those awful shots in the butt for lyme, granted it wasn’t as bad as the doctor made it sound it would be for my body was screaming pain that week for some strange reason, so I got lucky. Desperately waiting for the results to come back to see if I really have Lyme or if aliens are just doing a random test on my body to see how much pain a human can take. I just wanted you to know how helpful your story was to me and gives me hope that I do have lyme and my doctors can help in the correct way. Yeah I know, who hopes they have lyme disease right. Well this chick here does so I can start curing it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yeah, we have to keep our senses of humor to avoid going totally crazy, right? I think a lot of cases of fibro are caused by Lyme, other bacterial and viral infections, or reactions to environmental toxins. To complicate things, Lyme and fibro can coexist, apparently! I am glad your doctor sent you to an LLMD because that is the only way to get a correct diagnosis! Oh, and LOL about aliens doing random tests to see how much pain we can take! I so relate! Ugh.


    1. Thanks! I think it is so crazy that I didn’t get the diagnosis in the first place! There is a lot of ignorance around Lyme disease, but this was a clear-cut positive test … no ambiguity. I’m still trying to understand why this illness is so widespread yet so controversial.


  7. Reblogged this on miracarroll and commented:
    Living in the LymeLight: While I’m working on Discernment and Intuition, enjoy Miss Diagneses’ Lyme disease story. Finally diagnosed at the chronic stage, it’s sadly typical. But told with wit and spunk! ❤ ❤ ❤

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